There is no French equivalent to Thanksgiving, so you’ll likely have fun explaining the holiday to your French friends. But, this also means that you may have trouble finding all of the traditional American ingredients for your favorite fare. If you’re in Paris this year, here are a few tips on how to make the… …read more

This could be your hostess (Very Swell, by Lost in Cheeseland) Even the French say that Paris is a hard city to crack socially. This may have been true once upon a time, but with the recent wave of foodie groups and networks bringing adventurous diners together in secret and not-so-secret Parisian locations, however, there’s… …read more

Linda, our friend and guest blogger over at Parisien Salon, shares her entertaining insights into being an American and dining in Paris. all photos: Like any other fashionable woman, I try not to let my roots show in Paris. Only I’m not talking about those of the follicular kind. The roots I refer to… …read more