Explore where to eat on Paris’s Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis. Discover where Parisians live and frequent for a glimpse of true Parisian life. …read more

There is no French equivalent to Thanksgiving, so you’ll likely have fun explaining the holiday to your French friends. But, this also means that you may have trouble finding all of the traditional American ingredients for your favorite fare. If you’re in Paris this year, here are a few tips on how to make the… …read more

While I thought my high school French would be the main challenge of moving to Paris, it was just the start. As it turns out, when you look beyond the Instagram filter, Paris remains a lovely city, but also a lonely one. …read more

After over 17 years of Frenchie living, I am largely used to the etiquette of dining chez les Francais – along with all of their implicitly understood rules and regulations. A brunch with Parisian friends for which the first guest arrived 30 minutes after the announced time, and an 8 pm French dinner party invitation… …read more