Search Results for: yvonne hazelton
When we got the idea to move to France, I thought my problems were over. Yvonne is a French name! People had been asking me if I was French for as long as I could remember, so I pictured myself enfolded into French society, welcomed as a long-lost daughter, among my own people at last.… …read more
At the age of 53, I re-entered the dating world. France is full of beautiful men of a certain age, a surprising lot of them are available, and they are ready to mingle. …read more
As une femme d’une certain âge, I thought I’d seen it all in the gentleman-caller department. Here are some things that I learned when I first got to know un français, up close and personal. …read more
There was nothing magical about May 11 in France. But, it felt magical. It felt magical because we no longer need the attestation. …read more
I moved to France three years ago, speaking rusty high-school French and ready to live large. By the beginning of 2020, I was getting the hang of it. One thing I couldn’t do, though, was talk on the phone. Then Covid-19 happened. Now, we live in masks. And it’s like talking on the phone all… …read more
What’s it like being back on a café terrace in Paris? It’s like being back in your lover’s arms after a long, hard trip. It’s like home. …read more
Moving neighborhoods in Paris is no easy task. When I lived in Texas and California, it didn’t really matter – but in Paris, it’s different. …read more
All Parisians have a plumbing story, especially since plumbing in old Parisian buildings tends to be an afterthought. …read more
I’ve been on a lot of first dates lately. Being a free and independent femme d’un certain âge, Paris is my oyster. Here are some of my recent first-dates. …read more
At the end of each year, we normally feature the new restaurants, expositions, and bonnes adresses that enliven the Paris landscape, but most of us couldn’t pay a visit to any of these beloved places this year. So instead, we brought the best of Parisian and French culture to your home. Here’s a rundown of… …read more