Search Results for: tory hoen

I don’t remember life before Sacha Finkelsztajn. Ok, that’s not entirely true, but I’m certainly enjoying it more now that I’m a convert. For members of this club, the mere utterance of the word “Sacha” can induce profound hunger fits, and the sight of the boutique’s bright yellow facade literally has a Pavlovian effect on… …read more

Erica Berman After seven months away, I’m back in Paris for a while and am greedily soaking up every minute of it. After two weeks, I’ve slipped back into many of my happy habits, though I’ve come to realize that settling back into my Parisian life does require a few active adjustments. For instance: 1…. …read more

Here is one of the best Paris walks curated by a longtime local through the Marais, over the Seine, and into the 6th arrondissement. …read more

While I lived in Paris, my French improved and stretched in ways I couldn’t have anticipated. But when I’m asked if I’m fluent in French, my answer is always the same: yes and no. …read more

French people are born with an innate sense of how to thrive in their natural habitat. Eating well, French fashion, and comporting themselves with general discretion are key elements in this survival strategy. Here are 7 cultural rules to live by. …read more

In the US, bigger is often equated with better, and mediocrity is sort of the norm. When something exceeds mediocrity, we’re often pleasantly surprised. Conversely, the French have higher expectations. Quality trumps quantity and excess. …read more

Flâner has always been one of my favorite French verbs. The dictionary definition reads “se promener sans but précis” (to walk without a precise goal). Since aimless wandering is basically my raison d’etre in Paris, I appreciate that the French have a word dedicated to the act. Spend some time in Paris and you will quickly understand how many different… …read more

Picnic season is in full swing in Paris. Here are a few spots where picnickers of all kinds can find their bliss. …read more

This is the best moment of the year, and it’s not just about the weather. Find out about the effect of sunlight on Parisians when spring arrives in the City of Light. …read more

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a nervous beginner, our ultimate guide to running in Paris tells you the 10 best routes, and more! …read more

Whether you are suffering from homesickness, or are just searching for something different, here are the best Latin American restaurants in Paris! …read more

When most people think of French food, their minds are likely to turn to croissants and pain au chocolat. But never the freaky foods like boudin noir. Here’s a list of some foods for the most daring the try in France. …read more

The expat experience is full of trails and errors, risks and rewards, and often the payoff is not at all what we expect. As expats, we take what we can get and accept beauty and life lessons whenever and wherever we find them. …read more