Author: Marissa Wu

Film photographer, Francophile, flâneuse. Always a writer, occasional poet, trained as a journalist. A lover of bookshops, ice cream, and skirts with pockets, and searching for the best croissant in Paris. Marissa’s artistic focus is portraits of women, because she believes love is to reveal the beauty of a woman to herself. She’s excited to be at HiP helping to share all thing Paris and France!

Strikes are part and parcel of French life. Here are our best ways of getting around Paris during the strikes. …read more

Where Hemingway once walked, and students now weave in and out of Soufflot Hall and the Bibliothèque Saint-Geneviève, is the storied Latin Quarter, straddling parts of the fifth and sixth arrondissements of Paris. …read more

It’s finally summer. And as we are now able to stroll around the city as usual, here are some bookmark-worthy ideas and inspiration for exploring! We’ve been through the City of Light’s prettiest secret streets, so here are some of the most beautiful squares. They’ll take you all across Paris and into bucolic hidden corners… …read more

The Ferme Florale Urbaine cultivates sustainable, seasonal flowers and sells them to both florists and individuals. They are part of the growing “Slow Flower” movement, joining the ranks of slow food and fashion. …read more

We are officially on day 15 of lockdown in Paris — and I’m trying hard not to count! Here is a little roundup of good French recipes for your next confinement dinner. …read more

Paris might put on a grey, gloomy winter coat, but there are still places in the city to enjoy beautiful plants while staying warm. Here are our top three winter gardens in Paris. …read more