Meghan Donovan of whit & whimsy blog and Paris, Perfected trip planning services shares what her perfect day in Paris would look like. …read more

It’s finally summer. And as we are now able to stroll around the city as usual, here are some bookmark-worthy ideas and inspiration for exploring! We’ve been through the City of Light’s prettiest secret streets, so here are some of the most beautiful squares. They’ll take you all across Paris and into bucolic hidden corners… …read more

When temperatures hit 25°C in Paris, ice cream cones topped with elegant scoops of noisette or framboise suddenly become Parisians’ favorite edible accessory. Besides the famous Berthillon, I asked locals for their favorites. Would any of them measure up to, or exceed, Berthillon? I took upon myself the sticky and very sweet task of finding… …read more

Once upon a time, I worked in the Paris tourism industry. It was 2008, Haven in Paris (boutique apartment rental agency that is now Haven In) had begun to take off, and I had the good fortune to get hired as its first full-timer and startup maven-in-training. I was based in New York, but was… …read more

Carin Olsson Paris. The city of romance. With picturesque cafes on almost every corner, countless bridges crossing the Seine begging for twilight strolls and stolen glances, architecture that dazzles for days, and the omnipresent accordion harking back to sweeter, slower days, how could you not fall in love? In a day no less. And we’re… …read more