Before I moved to Paris last year, I spent some time researching its dating scene. Coming from New Zealand, and having only ever dated Kiwi men, I had a hunch that things in the City of Love would be different. My inkling was right and the French certainly date differently. …read more
Moving to a foreign country, learning a new language, and finding work is daunting enough, let alone starting your own business! But that’s exactly what Ian and Alison from French bed linen company La Chambre Paris have done. We recently spoke to American-born Alison about life in the City of Light. …read more
If you’ve already watched everything Netflix has to offer—including Emily in Paris, of course—and devoured all your travel books and magazines, we found another way to feed your wanderlust. …read more
There is no French equivalent to Thanksgiving, so you’ll likely have fun explaining the holiday to your French friends. But, this also means that you may have trouble finding all of the traditional American ingredients for your favorite fare. If you’re in Paris this year, here are a few tips on how to make the… …read more