Among the many surprises awaiting Americans dining in France is the near-universal acceptability of dogs in restaurants. …read more
A Paris chalkboard menu – appearances can be deceiving! (Daxis) Years into my love affair with Paris, I’m still making ridiculous rookie mistakes. I suppose it’s time to accept that France will always have the upper hand, but it still stings. My most recent humiliation is horse-related. Or at least, I thought it was. Please… …read more
To do une soirée or not to do une soirée? What exactly is this rather elegant and mysterious sounding soirée? And, how should it be approached by mere Anglophone mortals? Definition Noun: soirée: party or gathering, with a sophisticated name to impress the uninitiated, taking place in apartments across the glimmering city of lights (usually accompanied… …read more
As this wonderful year draws to a close, we can’t help but be grateful for all the amazing things we experienced in 2011: We finally got the 10 never-ending trends of Paris fashion straight – phew, no more fashion no-nos for us! We got savvy to dining etiquette in France We unearthed Paris’ best coffee spots… … and bike shops… …read more
Linda, our friend and guest blogger over at Parisien Salon, shares her entertaining insights into being an American and dining in Paris. all photos: Like any other fashionable woman, I try not to let my roots show in Paris. Only I’m not talking about those of the follicular kind. The roots I refer to… …read more
After over 17 years of Frenchie living, I am largely used to the etiquette of dining chez les Francais – along with all of their implicitly understood rules and regulations. A brunch with Parisian friends for which the first guest arrived 30 minutes after the announced time, and an 8 pm French dinner party invitation… …read more