Food is in integral part of the Paris experience. Over the past few years the city has seen a surge in a different breed of culinary venue: the food hall. Here are our top picks for food halls in Paris. …read more

When the weather is nice in Paris, the only place Parisians want to be is en terrasse. Here is a selection of our favorite hangouts across the capital. …read more

September marks la rentrée in France, the moment when summer holidays wind down and the French get back to their daily lives. As Parisians return to work or school, the city wakes up from its August lull and offers a wide range of events that make it a great time to be in Paris. …read more

Ground Control, the 18th arrondissement’s beloved ephemeral summer hangout spot, has changed its zip code. The pop-up has moved into a former post office space in the 12th, near the Gare de Lyon. …read more