I wish there was the perfect how-to guide to dining out with kids. Well, other than “Don’t do it. Stay home and cook.”…Bouncing back and forth from America to France several times a year, I’m often asked if there are differences between eating out in the States and France. While each restaurant varies, there are… …read more
Oz John Tekson When we decided to move to France, one of the biggest decisions was where to send our kids to school. International bilingual? (Too expensive.) Private Catholic? (Too Catholic.) American Montessori? (Too American.) Public French school? (Perhaps too…French?) We opted for total immersion in our neighborhood maternelle, the French equivalent of preschool +… …read more
Little Girl in Paris’ Luxembourg Gardens (Ktylerconk) I’ve always thought of Paris as the ultimate adult playground. But Paris for the under-four-foot set? I wasn’t so sure. That’s why discovering kid-friendly Paris (yes, it exists!) has been such a happy surprise. When the kids tire of museums and medieval churches (dubiously labeled “kid-friendly” by many… …read more
Erica Berman– Bonpoint Boutique Paris rue de Tournon There’s no doubt about it: Parisian kids have a good thing going on. They’re well-dressed, well-fed and, by virtue of being French, are destined for terminal coolness. I used to spend afternoons at a little park in the 5th where the same group of schoolchildren always had… …read more