Whether you’re a visitor or a Paris resident, there are always new spots to explore. These days, few people carry guidebooks or maps, but chances are you do have a smartphone in your pocket. When it comes to navigating Paris, here are a few apps that make discovering this city easier. …read more
A few months ago, I attended a question and answer session about French food and the fait maison/frozen food question was raised. A few people said, “you just should know where to go.” But without any mandate and as a visitor to Paris, “knowing where to go,” is easier said than done. And for first-time… …read more
The 20ème is one of the largest neighborhoods in Paris, covering the areas of Nation, Gambetta, Ménilmontant, and Belleville. Largely overlooked by tourists, this unique quartier is full of locals-only bars and restaurants, art galleries, theaters, charming backstreets, hidden pockets of nature, and a diverse population. As much as I love the familiar streets of… …read more