Author: Kelly Page
Kelly Page is a Los Angeles native and new Parisian transplant. Having worked in marketing for the entertainment industry for the past 15 years, she’s traded the bright lights of Hollywood for the softer City of Light, Paris. She’s taken her food and wine passion to the place that inspires it all. Follow her next chapter of food, wine and wanderings at Page in Paris
Lindsey Tramuta; Carams After many horrendously unsuccessful attempts at trying to find my first pied-à-terre in Paris, I had one last shot before I would literally be living in the metro. My lead was a long one — a friend of a very distant acquaintance who could show me her place on the very last… …read more
Chris Waits; David L. After having made the huge, scary, glorious decision to quit my plum entertainment job of 14 years to move to Paris, all I could picture was drinking rosé in fabulous cafes in St. Germain and strolling with my soon-to-be-named French lover along the Seine. It was going to be all storybook… …read more