Search Results for: lily%2520heise

Although the bright colors of Provence normally come to mind when thinking of the paintings of Vincent van Gogh, it was actually in Paris and nearby Auvers-sur-Oise that the passionate artist produced most of his work. As this year commemorates the 125th anniversary of his death, to pay homage to the artist, I’ve put together… …read more

A bicycle provides the perfect tempo for exploring a city. You can get from point A to point B faster than you would walking, but it’s slow enough that you get to take in the scenery in a way that riding a bus or the subway never allows. Here are some of the best bike… …read more

For those who cherish the peaceful atmosphere resulting from the mass exodus of holiday-goers, August is Paris’ most prized month. In the past, I haven’t always embraced this sentiment, mainly because I love the charge of the city. However, perhaps these August-lovers have it right? …read more

There are so many romantic things to do in Paris, simply strolling the magical streets with your amoureux is a treat. The city also has plenty of opportunities for adventure and originality. Here are a few fun ideas to inject a little quirkiness to your Parisian date night, whether it’s your first or five hundredth… …read more

To do une soirée or not to do une soirée? What exactly is this rather elegant and mysterious sounding soirée? And, how should it be approached by mere Anglophone mortals? Definition Noun: soirée: party or gathering, with a sophisticated name to impress  the uninitiated, taking place in apartments across the glimmering city of lights (usually accompanied… …read more

At the Rodin Museum, Paris (Stephen Boisvert) The other week, as the famed Musée D’Orsay was about to celebrate a grand re-opening after two years of renovation, museum workers went on strike. The strike ended fairly quickly, but for a few agonizing days disappointed Impressionistas were left wondering how to get their art fix in… …read more

It’s 1905 in Paris. Visitors to the Salon d’Automne are outraged. Who is that flamboyant woman with the audaciously colorful hat? Or rather who could have painted such a daring work? Matisse’s Woman with a Hat shocked most viewers. However, it was avidly appreciated, and swiftly purchased, by two new art connoisseurs; Gertrude and Leo… …read more

Do you know Amy Reverdy, of the wonderful blog C’est La Me? If not,  prepare to be wooed. This sweet expat from California charms with her self-deprecating, I’m-too-west-coast-to-take-myself-seriously tales of adapting to life with the Frenchies. In this post she shares her mouth-watering Context food tour in Saint Germain with fellow HIP Paris contributor and… …read more

Montmartre. My Parisian neighborhood. My home, on and off, for over 20 years. Over the years, many things in the neighborhood have changed and evolved but I have remained faithful and dedicated to this little slice of Parisian happiness. SoPi has exploded and Montmartre has gentrified. Real estate values are up. Abbesses now evokes hip,… …read more

Last Spring, Maggie was lucky to spend some time in Haven in Paris’ gorgeous Rue du Bac 2-bedroom. A relative newcomer to Paris, she made the most of her expat status by seeking out the hidden gems her wonderful neighborhood had to offer. She shares a few of her favorites with us here… One &… …read more