At the end of each year, we normally feature the new restaurants, expositions, and bonnes adresses that enliven the Paris landscape, but most of us couldn’t pay a visit to any of these beloved places this year. So instead, we brought the best of Parisian and French culture to your home. Here’s a rundown of… …read more
You may already be familiar with Paris’ famous Montmartre district, but how about the hidden neighborhood tucked away behind the hills in the northern end of the city? While much of the 18th arrondissement has remained home to immigrant communities and fought off gentrification, pockets of the neighborhood have begun changing in recent years with… …read more
Leaves have started to turn color and drop from trees in Paris, and the first crisp bites of autumn are settling in as we leave summer behind for la rentrée. Whether you’re sticking to télétravail (working from home) or getting back into the rhythm of commuting, podcasts are the perfect pick-me-up for working, traveling, or… …read more