For children, Pâques in Paris offers a multitude of activities. Spring weather gives way to jardins in bloom. Little ones will gaze in awe at the sweet creations filling the windows of every chocolatier.  Opportunities to decorate and search for Easter eggs are plenty, as is the chance to visit the Easter Bunny.  …read more

I think it really does take a village to raise a child, but mainly so that the mom of said child doesn’t go batty from solitude. Read on for my favorite ways to make connections, and begin to turn Paris into a sweet little village where you and your family can thrive. …read more

When Paris’ mayor made the city’s public transportation services free for children under the age of 11, she took a step towards reducing air pollution in Paris. This also made the city a more welcoming place for families. While urban environments are not often considered kid friendly, Paris has come a long way in terms… …read more

I wish there was the perfect how-to guide to dining out with kids. Well, other than “Don’t do it. Stay home and cook.”…Bouncing back and forth from America to France several times a year, I’m often asked if there are differences between eating out in the States and France. While each restaurant varies, there are… …read more