Karen Reb Rudel is a Jewish American who has called Paris her home for over 20 years and runs a walking tour company called Sight Seeker’s Delight. Join us as Karen takes us through her perfect (Jewish) day in Paris! …read more
We caught up with the American handbag designer Kasia Dietz to get a closer look at her perfect day in Paris, which includes coffee, shopping, and a few can’t miss museums. …read more
At the end of each year, we normally feature the new restaurants, expositions, and bonnes adresses that enliven the Paris landscape, but most of us couldn’t pay a visit to any of these beloved places this year. So instead, we brought the best of Parisian and French culture to your home. Here’s a rundown of… …read more
There is no French equivalent to Thanksgiving, so you’ll likely have fun explaining the holiday to your French friends. But, this also means that you may have trouble finding all of the traditional American ingredients for your favorite fare. If you’re in Paris this year, here are a few tips on how to make the… …read more