All Parisians have a plumbing story, especially since plumbing in old Parisian buildings tends to be an afterthought. …read more
When temperatures hit 25°C in Paris, ice cream cones topped with elegant scoops of noisette or framboise suddenly become Parisians’ favorite edible accessory. Besides the famous Berthillon, I asked locals for their favorites. Would any of them measure up to, or exceed, Berthillon? I took upon myself the sticky and very sweet task of finding… …read more
Parisians who can’t flock to the seaside during the summer months are still drawn to their closest water sources, as evidenced by the popularity of Les Berges. However, this craving to enjoy the hotter months waterside goes back much further than Les Berges, which are, in essence, revivals of the great era of Les Guinguettes,… …read more