Paris’ favorite form of American cultural appropriation is certainly in the form of burgers. This side of ten years ago, though, you’d be hard pressed to find a patty that wasn’t made of meat. Nowadays, however, things are much more veggielicious — and hoorayfor that! Be it of the bean, grain, soy, or seitan variety, Paris… …read more
While die hard fans will argue that nothing will ever replace the innovative space and business model of Colette, the unique combination of shopping and indulgence that it offered can still be found in the capital. …read more
Visiting Paris and hoping to taste one of these very delicious French specialties? Here are three restaurants for you ranging from contemporary riffs to traditional favorites. …read more
Tucked away on a tiny side street near Square Temple, across the street from hipster hangout Nanashi and bobo haven The Broken Arm, Café Pinson is serving up quality coffee and healthy eats to expats and natives alike. …read more
My job frequently requires me to eat elaborate three-course meals at lunch and dinner several days in a row. It’s something I have trained myself to do over the years and my stomach rarely utters a peep of complaint, as long as I don’t overdo the wine (not as easy as it sounds). I am… …read more