As an expat in Paris there is one question I am asked without fail when meeting a new person. “So what brought you to Paris? Was it love?” Oh man, do I wish I had a love-based story to explain my relocation to Paris! There is nothing more romantic to my mind than falling in… …read more
I can’t speak for the rest of the country, but I personally believe that Paris is starting to outgrow its image of snooty waiters whose demeanor changes the second you utter the word “hello” (or poorly pronounce “bonjour”). And yet, there is no doubt that learning a bit of French is going to be worth… …read more
As a Francophile from a very young age and a frustrated practitioner of French for the past 18 months, my relationship with French is very complicated. Here are some reflections after months of navigating the French language, for those who are considering the same (or regretting their decision to do so). …read more