Author: Sylvia Sabes

Sylvia tells stories through images and words. She has worked as a Creative Director for international ad campaigns like Cartier and LOreal, and as a National Award winning Polaroid photographer. She writes and shoots all things Paris and beyond… She lives in Paris and the French Basque Region.

The good King Dagobert would hunt bear and wild boar through the forest that is now the 2000-acre Bois de Boulogne on the western edge of Paris. That was over 1000 years ago, but the woods are still alive with adventure and excitement, thanks to Napoleon III who returned from exile in London full of… …read more

This area, centered around the charming village of Passy where genteel manor homes used to fill the bucolic countryside, is now the 16th arrondissement and is made for leisurely strolls full of excellent museums, remarkable food, and views with the Bois de Boulogne just steps away. …read more

Regulated by French law since 1906, stores are only allowed to have sales twice a year in Paris. When the Soldes begin, it is like hunting season, with each shopper tracking their prey. This year, Les SOLDES begin June 25th and last one month. Here are some hints for getting ahead of the competition… …read more

Everyone has their favorite café. It’s usually the one closest to home or the office, because it’s not actually about the coffee, it’s about the crowd of familiar faces and friendly gossip. There are a few mythic addresses, though, for which even locals will cross town to savor a sun-soaked terrace, a colorful scene or… …read more

Aristide Boucicaut opened the world’s first department store in the 1850’s. Le Bon Marché was an instant and enduring success, changing shopping habits (and the neighborhood) forever. Because everyone needs to eat, we’re happy to present our favorite lunch spots in the area. …read more

From lazy fall mornings spent under a cozy comforter with a steaming café crème and a rich, buttery croissant within arm’s reach, to the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower at midnight — any moment of the day in Paris has the potential for extreme romance. …read more