In this installment of our gluten-free in Paris series we share with you a few spots where you are sure to find a delicious gluten-free patisserie to go with your coffee. …read more
In this installment of our Best of Gluten-Free in Paris series, we round up our favorite spots to enjoy a gluten-free lunch among friends. Cozy and welcoming, the following restaurants will make you want to linger a little longer, and maybe even have a second round of gluten-free dessert! GF eating in Paris isn’t limited to… …read more
Paris has seen a boom in gluten-free dining options over the past few years. With so many gluten-free options, it can be hard to know where to start. In order to help you find the best of gluten-free in Paris, we’ve put together a series of posts that round up the best GF addresses in… …read more
There’s a reason why our mental image of a Parisian features a striped-shirt-wearing specimen carrying a baguette, the French after all love nothing more than a loaf of crusty bread- but does this mean you should hit up London instead if you’re gluten free? Non. …read more