Carrot Cake at Rose Bakery: After all the great things I have heard about Rose Bakery on rue des Martyrs, and the number of times I have tried to go there but never made it for some reason or another, I finally made it for lunch yesterday at their new (well not so new… …read more & Meg Zimbeck at Girls’ Guide to Paris knows a thing or two about Paris restaurants. Below, she gives us the rundown on the many options available at neo-bistro Chez Michel: an adventurous diner’s paradise. According to, it’s one of Catherine Deneuve’s favorite eateries. We’re already impressed! Text by Meg Zimbeck In… …read more
Finally a neigborhood bistro in Montmartre! I can now stumble down my 5 flights of stairs and walk around the corner and experience Paris bistro dining at its best. Le Miroir serving crusty bread, fresh fish, meat and produce is a wonderful spot for a long lunch or a charming dinner. I enjoy their authentic… …read more