Search Results for: tory hoen

Lemon tart courtesy of: As the holidays approach, why not brush up on some new cooking techniques that will wow your guests and provide a little variety to your holiday menus. If you can make it to New York City on December 13 or 14, we have two French-inspired cooking workshops you won’t want… …read more

While classical French cuisine will always have its place, today’s Parisian food scene is full of young innovators who aren’t afraid to mix things up. Rachel Khoo, one of Paris’ premiere “food creatives,” is doing just that. A graduate of London’s Saint Martins College of Art and Design and of Le Cordon Bleu’s patisserie school,… …read more

Maggie Battista – Falafel France is the land where food dreams come true—all HiP readers know that by now. But for those of us lucky enough to spend extended periods in Paris, there comes a moment (astonishing as it may sound) when both the body and the palette reach butter overload, and the arteries cry… …read more

All photos courtesy of “I’m not a local food celebrity,” Clotilde Dusoulier assures me, as she sips her Perrier on a café terrace in Montmartre. And she’s right; she’s not a local food celebrity. She’s an international food sensation, thanks to her blog, Chocolate and Zucchini, which has captivated foodies around the world. While… …read more

Photos Erica Berman Like many American ex-pats, Richard Nahem came to Paris to pursue a dream. Upon seeing the city for the first time twenty-five years earlier, he had vowed to live here someday. And after spending twenty years as a chef/caterer in NYC, Richard finally did what many Americans only dream of doing—he packed his… …read more

Winter Paris (Pauldc); Chocolat Chaud (yuichi.sakuraba) I’m beginning to understand that I’m a bit of a masochist. I’m bored by things / people / places that make life too easy, which is probably why I like ornery cats, most fictional villains, winter and (if I’m being honest) the French. To clarify, I have nothing against… …read more

Here are some restaurant dining rules to help you fit in with the locals. …read more

I’ve come up with a list of the best parks and places that I return to again and again, for a morning or afternoon, under the Parisian sky. …read more

I live in Paris now. I know this because every morning when I wake up, I experience a brief moment of panicky, delighted confusion… I have no idea where I am! …read more

All photos courtesy of Little Brown Pen When I leave Paris for extended periods of time, I’m sometimes overcome with a panicky feeling that I’m losing touch, losing ground, floating into a France-less obscurity, and that when I return, I won’t recognize the city anymore. Or worse, that it won’t recognize me. But as soon… …read more

It’s funny to think how my first visit to Paris involved the requisite art stops (the Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay), and how I now get my artistic thrills by lurking in the dark doorways of artist ateliers in Paris’ fringy Belleville neighborhood. But as my relationship with the city has evolved, my understanding of the… …read more

This weekend, HiP friend and jeweler Beatrice Knoch is participating in “Portes Ouvertes” in Montmartre. This is a great opportunity to stop by her atelier (work and living space) to see her unique jewelry and to meet the woman behind the designs! German-born but Paris-based for the past 9 years, Beatrice sat down with HIP to… …read more

In Paris, even the most basic French phrases can be slightly confounding at first. Here are some of my favorite French-isms to share. …read more