A ubiquitous joie de vivre weaved its way through France, and all to the scent of Fragonard’s exclusive fruity parfums. Popular with members of high society on both sides of the Atlantic, the French house’s pretty glass flasks of perfumes were made with delicate French flower and fruit essential oils and spices that told of… …read more
We met up with travel blogger Vanessa Grall, aka Messy Nessy, to fuel our travel lust. Seeking out those spots that are worth their salt is Vanessa’s primary trade. A skilled storyteller, her blog is steeped in stories of under-the-radar places and iconic figures in cities like Paris, New York, and London. If there’s an… …read more
The ultimate catch-22 of every Parisian has to be decorating their apartment. But there is one easy solution to our space-starved woes: IKEA. Things are looking up for us budget-conscious Parisians, because IKEA has finally opened a store right in the heart of the city. …read more
We’re delving into the lives of some well-known Parisians to find out what they would consider an ideal day in Paris in our new series My Perfect Day in Paris. To kick things off, Lindsey Tramuta, an American journalist and bestselling author of The New Paris, invited us into her apartment to chat about her… …read more
At the time, the choice was an easy one, and my 13-year-old thought process simple: “Latin’s dead; I don’t like the way German sounds; all the boys are taking Spanish; if you take French you can go to Paris in high school.” I didn’t realize it at the time, but choosing that language, and that… …read more
As a new Parisienne, I was baffled by la bise. I was raised in Texas, where the traditional greeting was a full-contact hug. When I later moved to California, I learned that there were three options for hugs. Then I moved to Paris and much to my surprise: They were kissing each other. …read more
Paris stretched. It was time to get back to work, and she was ready. Some people need springtime to feel reborn, but Paris just needs La Rentrée. …read more
Many have explored the cultural peculiarities of the two cities. I get it, they’re different. But now that I’m back in Paris, I never thought I’d miss so many things about London, things that make it different from Paris beyond the clichés. The great London experiment has left me seeing Paris in a whole new… …read more
I wish there was the perfect how-to guide to dining out with kids. Well, other than “Don’t do it. Stay home and cook.”…Bouncing back and forth from America to France several times a year, I’m often asked if there are differences between eating out in the States and France. While each restaurant varies, there are… …read more