Need help with your Christmas shopping this season? We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce the launch of the HiP Paris Marketplace, just in time! …read more

I moved to Paris four years ago with my then-husband and teenage son. We hired a real estate agent to find us an apartment. He did all the work and talking, and got us installed into a palatial apartment within weeks. Easy-peasy. Last year, post-divorce and after a plumbing crisis that rendered that spacious apartment… …read more

All Parisians have a plumbing story, especially since plumbing in old Parisian buildings tends to be an afterthought. …read more

Once upon a time, I worked in the Paris tourism industry. It was 2008, Haven in Paris (boutique apartment rental agency that is now Haven In) had begun to take off, and I had the good fortune to get hired as its first full-timer and startup maven-in-training. I was based in New York, but was… …read more

One of Haven in Paris’ newest apartments, Victor Hugo Luxe, is found on a quiet street just minutes away from the Eiffel Tower and the Bois de Boulogne. The owner and interior decorator took the HiP Paris Blog through the nine-month long renovation process of this spacious, Belle Époque gem. …read more