You may already be familiar with Paris’ famous Montmartre district, but how about the hidden neighborhood tucked away behind the hills in the northern end of the city? While much of the 18th arrondissement has remained home to immigrant communities and fought off gentrification, pockets of the neighborhood have begun changing in recent years with… …read more
Benoit Castel’s boulangerie in the 20th arrondissement may not be in the center of Parisian action, but it’s well worth the trek. And not just for the unlimited weekend brunch. Brooklyn ambiance and not a tourist in sight. During the week, the boulangerie doubles as an informal office for laptop-equipped locals, who drop by for coffee… …read more
Les Choupettes de ChouChou in Montmartre is a monothematic pastry shop which only sells chouquettes, the ubiquitous bite sized choux pastries beloved by French children and adults alike, filled with feather light whipped cream and whimsically renamed “choupettes.” …read more
The Quartier d’Aligre is one of my favorite pockets of Paris, and one I am lucky enough to call home. Located just southeast of Bastille, the area has a little bit of everything. Here are some of my favorite addresses. …read more
Healthy, organic food is sweeping through Paris in the form of health food stores, juice bars and vegetarian cafés, and not even boulangeries are immune to the health food craze. We love these loaves from top bakers who are making baguettes in biologique (organic) varieties. …read more
Little Miss Cupcake As a New Yorker, I find it equal parts utter insanity and totally logical that as soon as I moved to Paris last year—with visions of millefeuilles, pains au chocolat, artisan chocolates and good old Nutella street crepes dancing through my head—I wound up Velib’ing through the back streets of the eleventh… …read more