Author: Ali Postma

Ali is from Melbourne, Australia, where she studied Art History and Art Curatorship at Monash and The University of Melbourn. She has worked in various art galleries. Passionate about all things arts and culture, she has a particular interest French film, Nordic noir, photography, street art and architecture. Ali has lived in Paris since 2016 and has written extensively on art, food, beauty and more. Her work has in publications including BW Confidential, Oh My Mag, and HIP Paris.

The basket bag has become the must-have summer accessory. To get that effortlessly chic look, check out one of these French brands making the perfect basket bags for summer. …read more

I dream of the day I’ll have my own place to deck out completely in the furniture and homeware of my choice. And when I do, I know where I’ll be heading… …read more

We’ve all been doing a lot of hand washing lately. But this task that we have to perform many times a day doesn’t have to be a chore. Bring a little luxury to your hand washing routine with some of these lovely French soap brands. …read more

One of the best things about watching a movie is that it transports us into another world. So, take a break and escape into one of these lighthearted, feel-good French films. …read more

With parks and gardens now reopened, why not get yourself some takeaway from one of these cafes and enjoy in the nearest green space? …read more

This is a difficult time for our beloved Parisian restos, so why not take a break from cooking and support local businesses by treating yourself to a delicious meal that you don’t have to make yourself! …read more

Vacation Rentals for Those Who Don’t just Travel, they Experience. they Experience.

Boutique rentals from our trusted partner Haven In

From cooking and cocktails, to arts and culture, these free online resources are a great opportunity for you to gain more knowledge and skills (if you feel like it!). …read more

Here are some of my favorite French designers injecting some joy into the wearing of face masks. …read more

With Paris still under Covid-19 lockdown, many of our favorite restaurants, cafes, and food stores have unfortunately had to close their doors. Supermarkets remain open, but you may prefer to order your food online. Here are some of the food delivery services helping keep Parisians fed. …read more

If you were planning on visiting Paris but are now unable to, you don’t have to forego the sightseeing entirely. You can still explore the city’s famed museums and art galleries from your own home, thanks to the Internet. …read more

Now we have the perfect excuse to snuggle up with a cup of tea or glass of wine, some chocolate or popcorn, and binge watch some French-language Netflix series. …read more

How do we stay inside our tiny Parisian apartments all day without going stir crazy? Here are some ideas to keep you occupied. …read more

While you may not be able to travel to France right now, there are still ways you can get a little taste of France from your own home. …read more