The French definitely know how to enjoy every single meal, even when it comes to a quick salad. Here are a few that can easily be whipped up at home. …read more
These tarts are one-of-a-kind creations that you have no choice but to travel across Paris (or an ocean, when you can) to try. …read more
There’s no going back once you’ve experienced the tender melt of cultured-cream butter on the tip of your tongue. But I wondered: what exactly makes this ubiquitous ingredient so good here? …read more
France has some catching up to do when it comes to craft cider. But over the years, I’ve discovered some great French cider brands that are leading the way. …read more
We’ve selected five of the most inviting classic French dessert you can reproduce at home to taste a bit of France, wherever you are. …read more
We might not be able to sit down and enjoy a meal at our favourite Parisian bistrot, but we can try to replicate a restaurant-like experience at home. To give you some inspiration, we selected our favorite French Instagram food accounts. …read more
We have selected some of the most delicious and cozy French recipes to cook at home to feel just as if you were in your favorite Parisian restaurant. …read more
There is no French equivalent to Thanksgiving, so you’ll likely have fun explaining the holiday to your French friends. But, this also means that you may have trouble finding all of the traditional American ingredients for your favorite fare. If you’re in Paris this year, here are a few tips on how to make the… …read more
You may already be familiar with Paris’ famous Montmartre district, but how about the hidden neighborhood tucked away behind the hills in the northern end of the city? While much of the 18th arrondissement has remained home to immigrant communities and fought off gentrification, pockets of the neighborhood have begun changing in recent years with… …read more
One of the important facets of French food culture is l’apéro. Not only does l’apéro help stimulate your appetite as you enjoy a pre-meal drink, but it’s also a time to relax and rehash your day with friends or family. The term comes from the word l’apéritif, which is the French word for drinks served… …read more
Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the Left Bank epicenter of artistic life, is decidedly more bourgeois than bohemian today, but it’s tough to beat its quintessential cobblestoned streets, hidden corners, and see-and-be-seen cafés. While you could spend an entire Sunday just weaving its narrow streets, here are some of the addresses we recommend checking out. …read more